World Regional Geography (3.0 Cr)
Social and Human Studies
Course Description
Geography is uniquely placed between the social and natural sciences, and offers a special perspective on the inter-relationships between human and physical environments. It incorporates topics as diverse as the study of natural hazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes, patterns of economic activity, political organization, and cultural landscapes, but all from within a geographical perspective.
This course utilizes a regional approach. By focusing on regions, it creates a broad understanding of the cultural and physical diversity of the world, and as well as the background necessary to understand international current events.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Identify the various regions of the world on a globe or world map
- Describe the physical characteristics of the various regions of the world
- Recite the general history of the various regions of the world and their historical interaction with each other
- Describe the cultural and regional geographic characteristics of each region
- Identify contemporary problems facing today's world: economic inequality, environmental problems, political repression, conflict, population issues from a geographical perspective
- Analyze foreign policy decisions using knowledge of the geography, history, and culture of a particular world region
Breadth of Assignments
This course utilizes a variety of assignment types in exploring the basic
principles of Critical Tincluding reading assignments, both online and
textbook based, individual assignments involving online research, essay
writing, and analytical review questions, group projects involving discussion
boards, collaborative thought, and a course-wide research and writing
case study assignment.
Required Texts
David L. Clawson, Douglas L. Johnson, Viola Haarmann, Merrill L. Johnson. World Regional Geography, 9/e. Pearson, 2007. ISBN: 0-13-149703-0.
World Regional Geography
Social and Human Studies
Module 1: The Geographer's Perspective
• Reading and Resources
• Geography Subdivisions
• Mapping and Coordinate Systems
• Development, Population, and Globalization
• Discussion: Physical Explanations of Natural Hazards
• Self-Assessment
Module 2: The United States and Canada
• Describe the main physical and environmental regions of Anglo-America
• Provide some explanations of the overall status of American and Canadian economic success
• Distinguish between the ecoregions across the U.S. and Canada
• Discuss the agricultural and industrial geography of the United States
• Discuss the problems facing the eco-regions of Anglo-America
• Illustrate the types of factors that drove the historical expansion of the American West
Module 3: Latin America
• Reading and Resources
• Regional Overview - Latin America
• Regional Overview - Middle America
• Regional Overview - South America
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Deforestation in the Amazon
• Self-Assessment
Module 4: Europe
• Reading
• Regional Overview - Europe
• Regional Overview - Europe's Northwestern Coreland
• Regional Overview - Europe- The North, The South, The East
• Map Analysis
• Discussion
• Self-Assessment
Module 5: Russia and Central Asia
• Reading and Resources
• Regional Overview - Russia and the Near Abroad
• Regional Overview - The Near Abroad and Central Asia
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Mikhail Gorbachev
• Self-Assessment
Module 6: The Pacific World
• Reading and Resources
• Regional Overview - The Pacific
• Regional Overview - The Pacific
• Regional Overview - Australia and New Zealand
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Population Density
• Self-Assessment
Module 7: Asia, Part I
• Reading and Resources
• Regional Overview - Monsoon Asia
• Regional Overview - South Asia
• Regional Overview - Southeast Asia
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Population Density in Monsoon Asia
• Self-Assessment
Module 8: Asia, Part II
• Reading and Resources
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Japan's status in the world
• Self-Assessment
Module 9: The Middle East and North Africa
• Reading and Resources
• Regional Overview - The Middle East
• Regional Overview - The Middle Eastern Countries
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Land and Water
• Self-Assessment
Module 10: Africa South of the Sahara
• Reading and Resources
• Regional Overview - Africa South of the Sahara
• Regional Overview - Africa South of the Sahara (Continued)
• Map Analysis
• Discussion: Aids in Africa
• Self-Assessment
